
La eliminación de los genitales internos como el útero y los ovarios es una de las cirugías más demandadas por los hombres trans. Retirar estos órganos disminuye la producción de estrógenos y otras hormonas femeninas, además puede preparar la zona para una posible faloplastia o metaidoplastia posterior.


La  histerectomía y la anexectomía es la técnica quirúrgica mediante la cual se procede a la extirpación de la matriz y los ovarios. Esta intervención tiene como objetivo evitar el efecto de las hormonas femeninas que producen los ovarios, así como las posibles enfermedades que puedan asentarse en los genitales internos femeninos, que parecen potenciarse con el consumo de hormonas masculinas. Además, supone la base de la cirugía posterior de afirmación o reasignación genital.


Pide tu cita


    ¿Quién puede someterse a una histerectomía?

    Cualquier persona trans/intersexual  que desee eliminar el útero y los ovarios para evitar los efectos de las hormonas femeninas, futuras enfermedades o como paso previo a una cirugía de reasignación genital.


    El ingreso

    El ingreso se lleva a cabo el mismo día de la histerectomía y durante las horas previas a la cirugía se llevan a cabo los controles necesarios. Además, se preparará el intestino y la zona que va a ser afectada para la intervención. Esta cirugía implica una noche de hospitalización en IM CLINIC.


    La intervención de histerectomía

    La histerectomía y anexectomía se realiza bajo anestesia general y suele durar unas dos horas. El equipo médico de la Unidad de Género de IM Gender realizará esta intervención escogiendo, para cada caso, la técnica más adecuada. Existen tres vías básicas por las que abordar la operación:

    • Vía abdominal : Consiste en practicar una pequeña incisión abdominal baja que, posteriormente, queda disimulada por el vello púbico. A partir de esta incisión se procede a la retirada de la matriz y los ovarios.

    • Vía laparoscópica: Esta técnica requiere practicar tres incisiones separadas, a partir de las cuales se introduce un gas (el anhídrido carbónico) que hincha el abdomen. Al ingresar a la cavidad abdominal mediante el uso de pinzas laparoscópicas, se procede a la extracción del útero y los anexos.
    •  Vía vaginal: Esta técnica resulta muy compleja de aplicar en el hombre trans y se deshecha de entrada, pues la misma se utiliza en casos de pacientes con prolapso uterino o en casos extremos en vaginas muy dilatadas por partos anteriores.

     Utilizando cualquiera de las tres vías descritas, el objetivo final de la anexohisterectomía total (retirar útero y ovarios) es acceder a la cavidad abdominal, separar la matriz y los ovarios de sus lugares de inserción y sus aportes sanguíneos con la extracción final de ambos órganos y el cierre cuidadoso del abdomen.


    La vuelta a casa después de la histerectomía

    Al día siguiente de la intervención el paciente podrá empezar la alimentación y se podrá levantar y caminar. Pues permanecer en la cama o estirado durante muchas horas puede retrasar la recuperación e incluso provocar alguna complicación. Aproximadamente entre las 72 horas de la histerectomía es posible que el cirujano decida darle el alta hospitalaria, pero deberá seguir haciendo reposo relativo y seguir las instrucciones del equipo médico. 

    Durante algunos meses, la zona alrededor de la herida sufre una alteración de la sensibilidad que se recuperará de forma paulatina. Al poco tiempo, el vello púbico vuelve a crecer recubriendo la zona donde se produjo la incisión, dejando la fina cicatriz totalmente disimulada.



    Los resultados

    Después de la histerectomía, es importante que  siga todas las recomendaciones que le indique el equipo médico, como la medicación y las visitas postoperatorias.

    Visitas postoperatorias

    Es muy importante no saltarse ninguna de las visitas postoperatorias con un miembro del equipo de IM Gender. Solo ellos podrán valorar la evolución de la recuperación de la histerectomía En todo momento, la paciente dispondrá de un teléfono de apoyo postoperatorio para solucionar cualquier duda que le pudiera surgir, así como un servicio especializado de fisioterapia si lo desea.

    Anna La Spisa
    Anna La Spisa
    28 Noviembre 2023
    Esperienza positiva chirurghi ottimi, infermiere molto preparate e dolcissime, Aida e Rosa super umane, ma la dottoressa Brandalisio ha fatto la differenza su tutti, preparata, umana, dolce, disponibile, un'amore di persona. Una critica costruttiva devo farla tutto lussuoso ma non pensato per stendere pochi indumenti lavati
    Tone Vik
    Tone Vik
    31 Julio 2023
    I had GRS in May 2023. Here is a short summary of my experience. When you contact the clinic, you’ll get a personal patient coordinator that will answer and support you through the whole process, both before and after the surgery. The communication is professional, personal and efficient. WhatsApp is the main communication platform, and it works very well. The clinic is beautiful and top notch on all levels. You almost forget that you are in a clinic and might think of it more as a hotel (with surgery services). Please see the attached pictures, and you will understand what I mean. The staff is warm and friendly and really do what they can to make you feel comfortable, from the nurses to the cleaning personnel. It is really nice to be so well looked after, and I have such good memories from my week at the clinic. The surgeons, I was so fortunate to have Dr. Labanca, but they are all world class, which ensures that the results probably will exceed your expectations. Of course this is a very personal opinion, but for me it was like that. It’s hard to describe how happy I am now. You can bring a friend or a family member for no extra cost the week you are at the clinic. My best friend came down on the 5th day, and that was also one important factor when I chose this clinic. The support you get from having a friend or family member present is almost priceless. A short 5 minute walk from the clinic you’ll find apartments you can stay at for an additional week or two while you recover and heal. It was very reassuring and comforting to have the clinic so close the two weeks I stayed after checking out from the clinic. An important part of the healing process is to just move your body, and the beautiful city of Sant Cugat is a nice 20 minute walk from the apartment, where you can enjoy shopping, restaurants and just the nice relaxing atmosphere. The aftercare and regular follow up when you have left the clinic ensures that everything is working as it should, and if not, they will correct at no extra cost. The aftercare period lasts one year after the surgery. To sum up, you are really in the best hands and in the best place at IM Clinic. I highly recommend this clinic for GRS.
    Victoria Timoniere
    Victoria Timoniere
    24 Abril 2023
    Due mesi fa ho avuto la grande fortuna di affidarmi al team di IMgender , un esperienza indimenticabile che mi ha cambiata la vita facendomi rinascere finalmente nel corpo giusto . La clinica è super moderna è attrezzata , pulita e tutto lo staff è super gentile e accogliente .
    Renn Love
    Renn Love
    14 Abril 2023
    My experience with IM Clinic from the start to where I am today has been nothing but exceptional. From my initial contact with Aida, to my consultations with my surgeons Dr's Gómez, Herrero and Beltrán, my anaesthetist and care from the nurses. The cleaning staff were extremely discrete and the food for both myself and my wife, who was also looked after during my stay, was good. Myself and my wife were made to feel welcome from the moment we arrived. On the day of my surgeries my surgeons continuously re-assured me as they could see how nervous I was and it felt like nothing was too much trouble. My wife was also informed of my progress during surgery and reassured all was ok. I highly recommend IM Clinic and would not hesitate in returning, should I feel the need.
    Sun Belardinelli
    Sun Belardinelli
    11 Marzo 2023
    Ho aspettato qualche mese dopo l'operazione prima di scrivere questa recensione perché volevo essere sicuro dei risultati. La parola che mi viene in mente è PERFETTO, la clinica è perfetta, l'operazione è andata ancora meglio di quanto sognassi, il trattamento che ho ricevuto da TUTTI, medici, infermiere, tutto il personale, è stato impeccabile, caloroso e amichevole; mi hanno fatto sentire meglio che a casa (non solo a me, ma anche alla persona che mi accompagnava), ancora meglio di un hotel di lusso; mi hanno veramente trattato come un re, non solo come un paziente. L'operazione in sé è stata perfetta, il pre- e post- operatorio gestiti benissimo anche a distanza; mi hanno dato istruzioni chiare e medicinali appositi per curare le ferite e il dolore. Grazie a questo sono rimasto tranquillo per tutto il tempo, sapendo di essere nelle migliori mani. Un consiglio che mi sento di dare a chi vorrebbe operarsi da IM è: fate tutte le domande che vi vengono in mente e anche quelle che non vi vengono in mente! Soprattutto per chi viene dall'estero come ho fatto io è importante avere ben chiaro ogni dettaglio, e le persone con cui parlerete saranno felici di chiarire qualsiasi dubbio. Raramente ho trovato persone così pazienti, competenti e alla mano. Se e quando avrò bisogno di fare un'altra operazione la farò sicuramente da IM. Ormai ho trovato il posto dei sogni e non lo lascio più!
    Alexa Valianatos
    Alexa Valianatos
    10 Agosto 2022
    Hey, I am Alexa Valianatos and on 14th June i had my vaginoplasty surgery at IM Clinic. Here i found a greate, super friendly and profesional team which whose totally prompt answering to all my needs. Viewing my research before surgery and my experience in the clinic and after that, i can say that IM Clinic I'd the best clinic in Europe at least regarding my surgery tipe and my needs, i can say 100% that i found the 5* clinic . After two months from my surgery i already decide to make the next steps for next surgery in the same clinic . Many worm thank to doctor Ivan Mañero and entire clinic team . You are the best .
    Aaron O'Donnell
    Aaron O'Donnell
    19 Julio 2022
    Thank you IM Clinic!!! I had FtM Top Surgery (double mastectomy/gender reassignment) at IM clinic in July 2021. As I was travelling from the UK I was weary about the procedure, however their standard of care goes above and beyond to accommodate their patients and ensure maximum comfort. I had surgery with Dr Herrero, who was an absolute pleasure to meet and a brilliant surgeon. The team were a delight and made me feel genuinely safe and as comfortable as possible. The procedure I had is not very common and is somewhat hard to acquire in the UK, but the team at IM Clinic took me in with ease and listened to my worries and requests. The care i received at IM Clinic was impeccable - between the food, the staff, the surgery and everything else - i cannot fault it. I am forever grateful to Dr Mañero, Dr Herrero and the entire care team at the clinic. Thank you so much!! I am now one year post-op and happier than ever.

    Equipo IM GENDER

    Más de 20 años de experiencia, profesionalidad, estudios y formación avalan un equipo médico dedicado a la atención especializada de las personas trans.

    ¿Necesitas más información sobre la Unidad de Género de IM GENDER 

    ¿Quieres saber el precio de una histerectomía para hombres trans?