What does gender reassignment involve?

Feminizing surgeries
Trans vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure in which a neo-vagina is created using tissue from the penis and scrotum when it is a penile inversion vaginoplasty. Alternatively, skin from the penis, scrotum, and part of the colon may be used when the penis skin is not enough to achieve sufficient vaginal depth for penetrative sex. This technique is known as colovaginoplasty. These surgeries focus on vaginal aesthetics, such as creating the labia majora and minora, as well as a functional and erotic clitoris. Vaginoplasty aims not only to create the appearance of a vulva and vagina but also to provide adequate sexual and urinary function.
Breast augmentation
Trans breast augmentation involves the placement of breast implants to increase the size and shape of the breasts. Breast augmentation is common among transgender women who desire a more feminine breast appearance when hormone therapy (if they have gone through this process) has not been sufficient.
It is important to note that the technique for transgender breast augmentation is different from that of cisgender women. For transgender women, it is essential not only to increase size and projection but also to redefine the chest area, so the result is a natural, feminine breast. For this reason, it is important to consult plastic surgeons specialized in transgender women to achieve not only volume but, most importantly, a beautiful, natural, and very feminine appearance.
Facial feminization
Facial feminization surgery encompasses a series of procedures aimed at softening and feminizing facial features. The most requested surgery in facial feminization is forehead feminization, which typically involves the reduction of the supraorbital arches. Advancing the hairline (since women typically have a more rounded and lower hairline) and thyroplasty (removal of the Adam’s apple) are also very common.
Other procedures may include feminizing rhinoplasty, cheek augmentation, jaw reduction (angularplasty), removal of Bichat’s balls (to achieve a more angular and slender face), lip lifting, among others. The goal is to create a face that aligns more with socially and typically feminine features.
Body feminization
Body feminization may involve procedures such as liposuction and fat redistribution to create a more feminine silhouette, emphasizing the waist, redistributing fat to the hips and thighs, or redefining the torso contour.
It may also include buttock augmentation to achieve a rounder, firmer glute, as well as calf augmentation to redefine the aesthetic shape of the legs.
Masculinizing surgeries
Masculinizing surgeries help transgender people acquire physical characteristics that are socially accepted as masculine. Some of the most common procedures are:
Aesthetic treatments may be necessary after phalloplasty.

Metoidioplasty is a genital masculinization surgery that uses an enlarged clitoris (due to hormone therapy) to create a neo-phallus. This procedure is less invasive than phalloplasty and may involve urethral construction, though the size of the neo-phallus is usually smaller compared to what is achieved with phalloplasty. While it retains erotic sensitivity, it does not allow for penetration.
Trans men who desire a phallus must choose between phalloplasty or metoidioplasty, fully understanding both surgeries and what each procedure entails.
Transgender mastectomy or “top surgery” involves the removal of breast tissue to create a flat, masculine chest. This operation is common among transgender men and may include repositioning the nipples to achieve a more natural appearance.
H3 Body masculinization
Body masculinization may include procedures such as liposuction to reduce and redistribute fat in areas typically considered feminine, such as the hips and thighs. It can also help to redefine abdominal musculature, which helps to create a more masculine figure.
Preparing for transgender surgery
Preparing for gender-affirming surgery is a multifaceted process. Not all transgender people undergo all feminizing or masculinizing surgeries. Some may only want genital confirmation surgery, others may want body or facial surgery, and some prefer not to undergo surgery at all.
Since the procedure is individual, preparation will be personalized depending on the type of surgery required or desired. It is essential that patients educate themselves about the procedures, risks, and realistic expectations. Additionally, emotional preparation and support from friends, family, and mental health professionals are vital for a successful transition.

Want to learn more about transgender surgery or have any questions? Feel free to contact us. We are here to help.