Nose feminization surgery

The female nose has facial features that differentiate it from the male nose. For example, it tends to be smaller and thinner, having softer angles and a more uniform structure. As it is in the centre of your face, it plays an important part in defining your face. This is why nose feminization surgery has a key role in facial feminization surgery (FFS).

Procedure offered in collaboration with Facialteam.

What is nose feminization surgery?

Since your nose is in the centre of your face, nose feminization surgery has a great capacity to feminize your face.

Feminizing rhinoplasty must take into regard several factors for attaining a more feminine nose. These include the nasal bridge from your forehead to your upper lip, the width and shape of your nostrils, your nose’s contour and structure, as well as any dorsal hump. All these features determine whether a nose appears masculine or feminine.

This facial feminization surgery must be performed by a plastic surgeon who has exquisite technique, great artistic ability, as well as extensive experience and knowledge of facial feminization, so as to achieve optimal results both aesthetically and functionally. He thereby imbues the trans woman’s face with feminine features that sweeten, soften and refine her expression and appearance.


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    Facial feminization results

    Knowing the before and after of the diverse techniques of facial feminization surgery such as feminizing rhinoplasty, performed by the IM GENDER team, can help you gain a clearer picture of the results you may attain.

    Before a nose feminization surgery



    Rhinoplasty, in the context of facial feminization, requires that the surgeon has both a broad technical knowledge of the different surgical procedures and also thorough understanding of the keys to sexual dimorphism. This is the only way to achieve this surgery’s three goals: attaining a nose that is feminine, beautiful and which adheres to the parameters of harmony in proportion to the rest of the face. For this reason, the plastic surgeon must conduct a thorough aesthetic and artistic preliminary study to evaluate the face from all possible angles in search of facial balance.

    Gender nose

    Male noses are generally larger, with a more prominent and straight nasal bridge, as well as a more closed nasolabial angle. These characteristics give the face a more angular and less soft appearance. On the other hand, female noses tend to be smaller and more refined, with a subtler nasal bridge and a more open nasolabial angle, giving the face a more delicate and softer appearance. Feminization rhinoplasty aims to soften these features by reducing the prominence of the nasal bridge and adjusting the nasolabial angle.

    Ilustración sobre las diferencias entre la nariz masculina y la nariz femenina


    Rhinoplasty technique

    Rhinoplasty or nose feminization surgery is a highly personalized procedure. It therefore requires a precise preliminary study to evaluate cartilaginous structures, bone and skin quality, all of which form the nose.

    To attain a more feminine nose for trans women, rhinoplasty is generally performed in a similar way to other cosmetic nose surgeries, likewise applying all possible expertise in functional terms to improve breathing if necessary.

    The feminizing rhinoplasty technique is adapted to each patient’s needs and the prior diagnosis. This is why no two nose operations are alike. Insofar as technique, there are two types: open and closed rhinoplasty. In the case of nose surgery aimed at feminizing the face, we usually opt for the open technique. This technique enables us to manipulate all the soft tissues, allowing us to build a new feminine skeleton for the nose. Once we replace the skin over it, a feminine, harmonious, beautiful nose remains.


    Nasal bone resection and osteotomies are often necessary to reshape the bones that make up the nose. This attains a narrower, straighter, less prominent nose and a more beautiful profile. Reshaping the nasal tip is likewise key to achieving a feminine nose. We can make the domus or tip more rounded, slender, elevated or slightly upturned and youthful.

    This surgery is usually performed under a general anesthesia and lasts between one and two hours. It requires an overnight stay in hospital and is often associated with other facial feminization surgeries.

    Results of feminizing rhinoplasty

    Trans women will be able to see the early results after 15 days and notice minor, subtle changes during the first year after surgery.

    The scar, which is usually at the base of the columella, will barely be noticeable as it is millimetric and does not usually leave a visible mark.


    The patient’s recovery is quite fast. After nose feminization surgery, nasal packing is applied, removed 24–48 hours after surgery. It is important to bear in mind that depending on the person and type of operation, some bruising may appear, although this will disappear after a few days.



    It is important to rest relatively well for the first few days. Avoid lifting weights and squat down by lowering your head before your body.


    The nose will be swollen. Apply cold to reduce swelling and bruising. Keep your head elevated when you rest or when sleeping.


    It is very important you do not miss any visits after your feminizing rhinoplasty so that the medical team can evaluate your progress.

    IM GENDER team

    At IM GENDER we have been specialising in the care of transgender people for more than 20 years. Two decades of experience, professionalism, research and training endorse our medical team.
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