Vulvoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to create a vulva for trans women or non-binary people who want the aesthetic appearance of a vagina without depth. This specialized surgery aims to align the external genital anatomy with a person’s gender identity. Below, we will explain in detail what this procedure entails and the main differences between vulvoplasty and vaginoplasty.
Who is trans and non-binary vulvoplasty intended for?
Vulvoplasty is primarily intended for transgender or non-binary individuals who want to modify their birth genital appearance to better align with their gender identity. This surgery provides external genitalia similar to those of a cis woman but without the depth needed for penetrative sexual activity.
This procedure can be an integral part of gender transition for some people, helping them feel more comfortable and secure in their bodies. Candidates must be physically and emotionally prepared for surgery and understand the associated risks and benefits.

Vulvoplasty is often requested by trans women or non-binary individuals who feel discomfort with their birth genitalia and desire external feminine genitalia—a vulva—without depth, as they do not intend to engage in penetrative sex.
Trans and non-binary individuals (those whose gender identity doesn’t align with traditional concepts of masculinity or femininity) may feel comfortable with their birth genitalia and may not seek surgical adjustments. However, others do seek gender-affirming surgery to adapt their bodies to their gender identity.
Also called “zero-depth vaginoplasty,” vulvoplasty can be an option for both trans women and non-binary people and may be considered part of “non-binary surgery.”
Vaginoplasty vs. Vulvoplasty
Although both trans vaginoplasty and vulvoplasty are related to gender-affirming surgery, they are two different procedures. Trans vaginoplasty focuses on creating a vagina with depth, aesthetics, sensitivity, and functionality similar to a cis woman’s vagina, whereas vulvoplasty does not involve a vaginal canal.
Vulvoplasty, or zero-depth vaginoplasty, is a genital feminization surgery that creates an external vulva—labia majora, labia minora, and a clitoris—without constructing a vaginal canal. By excluding this component, the complexity of the surgery is reduced, which also minimizes risks to nearby structures, such as the rectum.
This surgical option offers a shorter and less invasive alternative compared to trans vaginoplasty. Vulvoplasty is particularly relevant for non-binary individuals or trans women who do not wish for or need a vagina with functional depth. It allows for a more feminine external appearance with limited vaginal function.

Vulvoplasty procedure step-by-step
The vulvoplasty procedure, in terms of aesthetic construction, is similar to trans vaginoplasty. Although the specifics vary depending on individual needs, vulvoplasty generally involves creating a vulva from scratch using penile and scrotal skin. These tissues are used to form the labia majora and minora, while part of the glans is used to create a sensitive, functional clitoris.
During the procedure, the urethra (urinary tract) is shortened and redirected to its natural position, just above the new vaginal opening. When possible, the IM GENDER team uses a portion of the urethra to line the inner labia and vulva walls, contributing to an appearance closer to the pink mucosa of a cis woman’s vulva. The spermatic cords are then severed, and the testicles removed, while the surrounding scrotal skin is repurposed to form the labia majora and minora.
This surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia, though, in rare cases, spinal anesthesia may be used.
Recovery from vulvoplasty
Recovery after vulvoplasty is faster than that for trans vaginoplasty, as it is less invasive. Rest and avoidance of strenuous activities are recommended in the weeks following surgery. Swelling, discomfort, and sensitivity in the treated area may occur but generally subside after a few days.
The IM GENDER medical team will provide post-operative care instructions, such as cleaning and caring for the surgical incision and scheduling follow-up visits to monitor the healing process.

If you have more questions about vulvoplasty, book an appointment with the IM GENDER team for more information.