Dr. Ivan Mañero


Dr. Ivan Mañero


A plastic surgeon specialising in gender affirmation surgery, Dr Ivan Mañero is probably the most renowned plastic surgeon specialising in gender affirmation surgery in Europe and beyond. A pioneer in certain gender affirmation surgical techniques, Dr Ivan Mañero has collaborated with various administrations to ensure that this type of intervention is included among the treatments included in the country’s public health service.

Trained at the University of Barcelona with a degree in Medicine and Surgery, awarded with Honours, he is the director of IM CLINIC, a teaching and training centre for residents. He is director of the International Master’s Degree in Genital Surgery and a professor in the Master’s Degree on Pelvic Floor at the University of Manresa.

A research member of the Barcelona Centre for Regenerative Medicine (CMRB) and the Complutense University of Madrid, he participates as Faculty in the International Master’s Degree in Reconstructive Surgery – Genito Urinary Module, and is professor in the Chair of Anatomy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Having collaborated as a medical and scientific expert in the media, he has published several works in numerous medical and international journals in the fields of plastic surgery, genital surgery and gender affirmation surgery. In addition, he has actively participated in general publications and books in the same fields. In this sense, he has co-authored the book Ser Transexual and contributed to the books S=EX, La ciencia del sexo (‘The Science of Sex’) and La Feminización de la voz de la mujer transexual (‘Voice Feminisation of the Female Transsexual’).

He is a Medical Advisor to the Cuban Government and is responsible for the implementation of the Surgical Gender Unit in Cuba. He was also director and responsible for implementing the Gender Identity Unit at Barcelona’s Hospital Clínic.

He is a full member of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (SECPRE), the Spanish Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (AECEP), and the Global Network of the University of Alabama, Birmingham.

For more information about Dr Ivan Mañero, please contact us.