We live in a diverse society where gender identities and life experiences are broad and varied. For this reason, healthcare must reflect this diversity and offer a welcoming and safe environment for everyone, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.
Recognizing gender diversity in healthcare
Acknowledging diversity in healthcare also means fostering research and innovation in areas related to the health of trans and non-binary individuals. This includes studies on the unique health needs of this population, as well as the development of protocols and services that address these needs effectively and sensitively.
“Healthcare must be person-centered, meaning that each individual should receive care tailored to their specific needs. This not only involves recognizing the diversity of gender identities but also considering other factors such as ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, and socioeconomic status,” emphasizes Dr. Ivan Mañero, director of the Gender Unit at IM GENDER.
Indeed, IM GENDER advocates for the elimination of barriers and stereotypes within the medical system. On Trans Visibility Day, the organization promoted truly inclusive healthcare that focuses on individuals rather than general profiles.
Specialized healthcare for transgender individuals
Imagine a trans woman needing urological monitoring for her prostate, a non-binary person requiring breast cancer screening, or a trans man needing gynecological check-ups due to retaining female reproductive organs. These are just some examples of the health-related scenarios faced by trans individuals. Unfortunately, many do not access necessary care due to a lack of information or sensitized and trained professionals.
“We’ve encountered trans men who, not having undergone surgery, still need gynecological follow-ups. However, as men, they often lack the necessary information or access to professionals who can provide this care,” explains Karen Abrego, coordinator of the Training Department at the Generación o2 Association.
The healthcare situation and reality for trans people
“Unfortunately, transgender and non-binary individuals often face barriers and stereotypes in healthcare. They may encounter discrimination or a lack of understanding from healthcare professionals or be denied access to services they are entitled to due to cultural or social issues. Addressing these challenges and creating a system that respects and values diversity is crucial. At the same time, trans people need health information to understand how to care for themselves throughout different life stages,” explains Dr. Ivan Mañero.

Increased training and gender awareness in healthcare
Training and awareness are essential tools for promoting inclusivity in healthcare. Healthcare professionals must be trained to provide appropriate medical care while being sensitive and respectful towards transgender and non-binary individuals. This includes using correct language, understanding specific healthcare needs, and fostering inclusive care environments.
Greater inclusion of trans people in healthcare
“The shift towards more inclusive, normalized, and sensitive healthcare for trans and non-binary individuals also requires the support and collaboration of the community,” highlights Dr. Mañero. Organizations and activist groups, such as the Generación o2 Association, play a crucial role in advocating for policies and practices that promote equity in medical care. “It’s important to listen to and amplify the voices of trans individuals to ensure their needs are properly addressed,” concludes Karen Abrego.
Recognizing and including gender diversity in healthcare is essential to ensuring that everyone receives appropriate medical attention. By adopting a human-centered approach, we can move towards a more equitable, inclusive, and well-being-oriented healthcare system.

Want to learn more about transgender surgery or have any questions? Feel free to contact us. We are here to help.