Adam's Apple surgery, also known as reduction thyroplasty, is a key procedure in the process of facial feminization and can be considered within the scope of transgender surgery. For many transgender individuals, reducing the size of the Adam's Apple can be a step to...
Facial feminization
News, articles and novelties that may interest you.Sexual dimorphism between men and women: are we really different?
Feminisation or masculinisation, especially of the face but also of the body, are of great interest to trans men and women. While trans men achieve a traditionally masculine appearance through hormone therapy, this is not always the case for trans women, especially if...
FSS SURGERY: how to soften your features
FSS surgery (Facial Feminisation Surgery) is one of the fastest growing types of surgery among trans women, especially among those who started their transition at a more mature age. The female face has certain features that differentiate it from the male face. For...
Non-surgical facial feminization
Many trans women seek facial surgery to soften certain features of their face in order to feel more comfortable with their appearance. This is requested mainly by women, aged 30 and over, who started their transition later in life. In addition to surgical techniques,...
Face feminisation surgery
Our face is a prominent part of our identity and for many transgender women, having a more feminine facial appearance is important to achieve greater facial harmony and feel better about their gender identity. In this article, we will explore face feminisation surgery...
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