Genital reaffirmation surgeries from the operating room

¿Have you ever wondered what a gender affirmation surgery looks like from the point of view of a surgeon?: vaginoplasty, phalloplasty, mastectomy, breast augmentation… At IM GENDER we open the doors of our operating rooms for you to discover it.


Penile inversion vaginoplasty

Vaginoplasty by penile inversion with grafting

video de la cirugía de Colovaginoplastia


Breast augmentation in trans women

video sobre la cirugía de mastectomía en hombre trans

Bilateral mastectomy in trans men

video cirugía tiroplastia

Thyroplasty or walnut surgery

video sobre la cirugía de mastectomía en hombre trans

Phalloplasty in trans men


Do you want to know more about the services offered by IM GENDER? Do you have questions about any genital reaffirmation surgery?