Frequently asked questions about phalloplasty

On this page you will find the most frequent doubts and concerns that trans people who have thought about undergoing phalloplasty have. If you have other doubts, please send us your query and we will try to resolve them.

Phalloplasty surgery

After phalloplasty, will I have sensitivity in my penis?

The sensitivity of the penis can be divided into two components: on the one hand, we have sensitivity to touch, heat and pain – that is, the sensitivity we have in any body part. On the other hand, we have erogenous sensitivity, specific to certain parts of the body, such as the penis or clitoris. Both sensitivities are present after phalloplasty. The first, thanks to the union of a nerve from the phallus to one of the nerves in the leg. The second, thanks to the union of a nerve from the trans man’s penis to a nerve from the clitoris.

However, this sensitivity is not present at first. You must wait for a period of approximately 6–8 months for full sensory recovery. A “learning” period is also necessary for the brain to identify the nerve stimulus as coming from the penis.


Once I have had phalloplasty surgery, will I be able to have sexual relations?

After phalloplasty, the rigidity of the trans man’s phallus does not allow penetrative sex. It is too flaccid and, while some patients report having had penetrative sex, it is not possible to maintain sexual relations. This requires a second operation to implant a penile prosthesis so as to provide the necessary rigidity.

Before proceeding with this second procedure, the patient must have regained sensation in the penis. Once this second procedure is carried out, the patient will be able to have normal intercourse.

Will I be able to receive sexual pleasure after phalloplasty?

The penis after phalloplasty has full erogenous sensitivity so that it can indeed receive sexual pleasure and reach orgasm quite normally.

After gender affirmation surgery, should I continue with hormone replacement?

Once genital surgery has been performed, you should make an appointment with your endocrinologist, who will recommend guidelines for your hormone treatment, if you wish.

Are there different types of testicular implants?

Yes, there are different sizes of testicular prostheses. The choice of which size to use will depend on a number of factors, including the elasticity of the tissues and the man’s decision.

Are there different volumes of testicular prostheses?

Yes, there are different sizes of testicular prostheses. The choice of which size to use will depend on a number of factors, including the elasticity of the tissues and the man’s decision.

Do you have more questions about phalloplasty or another sex reassignment surgery?

Request an appointment or make an online enquiry and we will help you.